Is the focus these days on reading? Or is it video and audio? In my, ‘wonder why,’ I have been exploring reading my books! A new powerful apple laptop with garage band allows me to create huge files, not possible just a couple of years ago. Or has it just got more affordable? I tried years ago and there were simply to many obstacles!
In reading my own books I can do it how I wish. I want to have at least a few sound effects for action. I’m having fun learning how (!) I am unsure how to offer or market audio, but tried a sample as a YouTube that has video, but the focus is on the spoken story. Here is the link
The actual books? New covers new edit new marketing with a friend who owns Alaska dream. My part has been to create these blogs – linking all I do together! The books, knives, art etc. I am working on books 9-10. Possibly different, as it takes us back to 40,000 years ago during the ice age, trips back and forth in time. Many may call it science fiction! I wish to call it a continuation of my biography, already so out of this world. Does time travel really change much? I go out, no human sign for weeks and months… I may as well be back in time right? So I say I am. (smile) Does an old man have Alzheimer’s and we indulge him and enjoy the deluded story? I can get into this more later. But hey, give a comment if this seems do-able and would be accepted from a writer who started out as a mountain man!? I have always said throughout my books,
“I never saw myself as stuck in the 1800’s era. I saw myself as cutting edge future. Like out of Star Trek searching out new worlds for civilization.” Well yes escaping civilization… but more enjoying being away as part of ‘the mission, or my social purpose.’ I feel those who eventually go to Mars should understand my books. Living an isolated life, being adaptable, resourceful, knowing how to survive etc. or if we see hard times, we may all have to go back to simpler self sufficient lives growing our own food, fetching out own water. It’s possible. So what is wrong with hearing some of the basics from someone who has done it.
The actual books? New covers new edit new marketing with a friend who owns Alaska dream. My part has been to create these blogs – linking all I do together! The books, knives, art etc. I am working on books 9-10. Possibly different, as it takes us back to 40,000 years ago during the ice age, trips back and forth in time. Many may call it science fiction! I wish to call it a continuation of my biography, already so out of this world. Does time travel really change much? I go out, no human sign for weeks and months… I may as well be back in time right? So I say I am. (smile) Does an old man have Alzheimer’s and we indulge him and enjoy the deluded story? I can get into this more later. But hey, give a comment if this seems do-able and would be accepted from a writer who started out as a mountain man!? I have always said throughout my books,
“I never saw myself as stuck in the 1800’s era. I saw myself as cutting edge future. Like out of Star Trek searching out new worlds for civilization.” Well yes escaping civilization… but more enjoying being away as part of ‘the mission, or my social purpose.’ I feel those who eventually go to Mars should understand my books. Living an isolated life, being adaptable, resourceful, knowing how to survive etc. or if we see hard times, we may all have to go back to simpler self sufficient lives growing our own food, fetching out own water. It’s possible. So what is wrong with hearing some of the basics from someone who has done it.