A lot going on, read first blog post. just a matter of what anyone might like to know, how much time you have. This is a city commemorative coin, with the idea coming from, and being paid for, by a single individual. I did point out. “Who else could use local barge propeller bronze, and copper from under the school?” video
Or “How to be a visitor in the wilds.”
“Hello the cabin!” I holler to the wilderness cabin from the property line. Smoke curls from the log cabin chimney. I have set the ice hook and the sled dogs stare ahead at the cabin. It’s five minutes before a face appears out the door. “Is that you Miles? Come on up and have some coffee” We are ninety miles from any road, and this is a trapline cabin along a remote river in interior Alaska. Nenana Alaska is due to have it’s centennial celebration, population 300 people. I’ve been asked to create a commemorative coin. Link to video. link to part 2 and link to the video, link to post 3
There is a simple way to test knife sharpness and toughness that compares your blade to a standard. It is called ‘The Brass Rod Test.’