Miles Custom finished knives
My hand made knives for sale
Useful links
video one of my blades cutting steel
my knife info on how done
blank blades
knife stands sheaths guards caps
small skinner fossil handle
Small skinning knife D2 tool steel. Overall 7 inches, 2.5 x 3/4 blade. Custom acid etched with
Alaska' and a wolf head on one side, wolf tracks on the other side. Handle is interior Alaska fossil ancient horse rib bone about 60,000 years old. Guard and end cap are fossil mammoth ivory. End cap has pinned bronze bear. Very unique knife. Fits well in hand. Blade could be smaller then some like but makes knife compact for carrying concealed. Blade double tempered, deep cold cryo treated, a semi stainless so should not easily rust or lose visibility of etch.
Knife custom Damascus engraved moose antler
Custom knife. Damascus steel, carve moose antler handle. Over-all 12 inches blade 5 1/2 long 2 inches wide. Pike fish etch one side, goose other side. Custom guard lost wax cast copper and brass fish design. Carved moose angler handle wolf head end. Double temper and deep cryo cold treated steel. One of a kind all hand done by Miles
Custom knife feather Damascus caribou handle
Custom knife feather Damascus steel with acid etch feather and raven. Overall 10 inches, blade is 5 inches long x 1 ¾ wide. Caribou antler handle with carved raven head. Lost wax cast copper guard- copper from water pipes under Nenana school. End cap fossil walrus ivory.
Neck Knife- bronze
Neck knife. Bronze and nickel blade in sheath 2.1 ounces. Blade 2 ½ x 1 inches overall length in sheath 5 inches. Handle is ancient (over 3,000 years old) fossil walrus ivory. Sheath from north Alaska old River birch. End cap blue ice age mammoth ivory. Put together with care, parts pinned, loops soldered shut. This is a presentation piece. I had in mind ancient ways old ideas yet mixed with a modern message. Using this knife will show what the bronze age was like – what bronze will cut and not cut. Neck knife, good way for modern man to keep a knife out of site there when needed. Maybe worn as a piece of art. Or as a re-enactiment item dressed in period outfit. Far north theme Viking, Eskimo, Siberia etc.
Black Swan
Is a product line, offering unique one of a kind. A black swan is rare to see, an anomaly among normal white swans. Now a coined term, meaning an unprecedent, unpredictable event worth noticing. In our modern world we get told ticky is trendy, and tacky is cool, produced cheap and throw away from a factory, with no soul. I feel like a black swan! This product line under my main business ‘Miles of Alaska, ‘ are items specifically one of a kind, new ideas- combining materials not often put together. I usually repurpose, recycle, taking damaged or old and offering a new way to view these materials. One purpose is to connect a customer with something that speaks to you, is heart-felt , like “This is made just for you!” There is and never will be another like it. For background, I spent over 30 years as subsistence nomadic hunter gather lifestyle alone in interior remote Alaska. Yet born raised as a child, upper class. A unique background produces unique thinking, expressed through my art.
Custom neck knife 1/2 oz fossil ivory
Small custom neck knife. With sheath half an ounce. Knife 4 ½ inches blade 2 ½ inches Damascus custom steel made to use, double tempered deep cold cryo treated. Handle dark ice age mammoth ivory. Sheath stabilized mammoth ivory. Looks like a piece of jewelry when worn. Razor sharp. Two sheath loops to accept a chain or cord. Could be purse or pocket maybe hidden boot knife as well.
Custom knife large Damascus
Custom discuss large knife. overall 11.5 inches blade 6 x 1 1/2 x 1/16th. Edge Rockwell 60, back soft. Double temper, deep cold cryo treated. Guard fish of cast bronze from Yukon River barge propeller. Handle Alaska river birch burl stabilized. A rustic over all look makes this functional and less cost then if it had a more refined finished look. No sheath so you may want to display this in your own stand. See separate sheaths if desired.
Woman's knife as necklace
Custom neck knife as art for a woman who wishes to be armed or just have something to cut with that's handy. light 2.8 ounces longer distance 6 inches x 4. Made of fossil mammoth ivory. Copper chain. Hummingbird knife is total 4 inches blade is 2 1/2 quality steel well handled made or use. High carbon 1095. Acid etched flowers. Copper tail, bronze feet, zircon eye. Holds in hand well. Easy to remove from flower with one hand.
Custom knife damascuss eagle
Custom knife all hand done 8.5 ounces. Overall length 13 in. Blade 6 x 1 x 1/4 inches. Handle Alaska river birch burl. Eagle guard is copper for 1920's water pipes under Nenana Alaska school. Hand carved, lost wax cast. Stabilized turquoise spacer, metal pins. End cap custom cast bronze for old Yukon River barge propeller. Eagle head with hole so lanyard can hold knife. Find hand well. Steel is a mix of damascuss high end custom material 'scraps,' repurposed, based together with copper and bronze. No-one else does this, a very complicated process to do this, and also harden temper the steel. A lot of s secrets to this. Very one of a kind. Knife steel double temper Rockwell 58 deep cryo cold treated so can be used and holds up well. (skin a moose) Note all the various steel patterns. Built as a story knife energy knife. Blade is energy out of eagle mouth 'sky energy) the barge the school is about education, and river life with nature. The wood I find along the river like he propeller. Maybe a shaman kind of knife, Or cutting 'sacred,' things. Or reenactment blade from long ago days or armor swords and magic. For display as a one of a kind no one has anything like this collection of interesting blades. For sure I expect whoever gets this will understand it, and must have it, will speak to you, who I made its for. Price is good, this could be a several thousand dollar piece. Due to me finding and repurposing all materials I can keep costs down. Goal is to get nice knives into their hands of those who need or appreciate - working class people. PS stands can be bought separate see my stands sheaths for sale
Chef kitchen knife lynx theme
Custom kitchen knife. Blade 8 x 1 3/4 inches thin blade. Nice deep crips etching of lynx and flowers on one side, Gooe ad flowers on the other side. nice lynx head end cap custom lost wax cast from Yukon River barge propeller. The handle is fire-killed Alaska river birch burl wood. The Knife is light weight made to use.
custom hunting knife etched
Hunting knife 6 x 1 1/2 inches. D2 tool steel. Dpoublre temper deep cryo cold treated, made to use. Etched with 2gees on one side, Flowers on the other side. Guard is lost wax cast Indian face from copper that was 1920's water pipes under out Nenana school. The handle is Aalska diamond willow wood. Comes with hand made sheath.
Custom hunting knife one of a kind
Custom knife.Blade 4 x 1 1/4 inches. D2 tool steel double temper., made to use. Acid etch and copper inlaid steel, flower design. Guard lost wax cast copper rabbit. Copper es 1920s water pipes under our Nenana school. Handle is mesquite wood I harvested myself (my Tucson snow bird home) Comes with a custom sheath. D2 steel is known for its ability to keep its edge well.
Custom neck knife turquoise
Custom neck knife 2 ounces. D2 tool steel double temper. Dagger style double-edged. Acid etched with flowers. Blade 3 1/2 x 1/2 inches. Overall 5 inches. Replica turquoise handle. Nice leather sheath with cord to wear around the neck. Could be a boot or purse knife instead. A utility knife for opening boxes and cutting string doubles as concealed self-defense. Good steel well, made to be used. D2 steel known as tough steel holds its edge under harsh conditions. All custom, no pattern, this is the only one like it.