My biggest market is the knife makers. I have been getting ahead on inventory offered on my web site. Now is a good time to take a look at fossil mammoth ivory.
I am a snowbird, spending winters now in Tucson where I set up at the biggest show in the world. (check out Tucson show blog ) In Tucson I have not shop to work in. I am not doing any artwork or working m ivory. My inventory is more limited. I do have sets I have not had time to add or that I bought (I get a deal by spending several thousand at a time with other suppliers). However much of this is meant to sell at the show I am here for. I myself do major wholesale if a hundred pounds or more. My web store is not as big a focus in winter. So a suggestion I to do your knife scale shopping now for largest and best selection. It will be next April before I am in Alaska back from the fossil show, seriously entering new material I bought, I will also be working my own raw ivory that has been drying over the winter.